Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Closing Time

I'm not even quite sure why anyone is taking the so-called budget proposal by the Rabid Right's latest blue-eyed boy Paul Ryan seriously for even a day.  It passes no known smell test, it doesn't save the government money or decrease the debt (according to the CBO)  or help the economy (it wrecks everything) as well as taking the country back to before the Great Depression, when at least a third of seniors were living below the poverty line, and a third of the country was headed that way.  Even in announcing it Ryan declared, "It's not a budget, it's a cause."

But it's not even that.  It's a ploy.  Just as the congressional GOPers apparent plan to shut down the government at the end of the week.  It's a partisan political ploy.  Shutting down the government will play to the tea party fringe's anger and ignorance, while hopefully turning off any remaining government stimulus and hurting the economic recovery enough to damage President Obama's chances for re-election.

That's what this is about at the highest GOPer levels--especially among the oily rich who run it--and that's what everything they've done since November has been about.  Starve the labor unions, so they can't help Obama and the Democrats.  Prevent minorities and the young from voting, because they are likely to vote for Obama and the Democrats.

They don't care who they hurt in doing this.  As long as they help themselves.

America is open for business.  That's what it means.      

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes and 'what is to be done' to quote a dude.
The folks in the photo or the folks who turned the tide in Wisconsin saw Horseshit as Horseshit. They were even impolitic to name it so.
People respond to clear statements that can be assayed for their veracity.
The case against Ryan's wet dream and the storm of other attacks on the "general welfare" need to be exposed, made plain, and ACTED upon. At the ballot and in the civic square.
No More Equivocation !
Clarity = Victory.

We got the same troubles brewing up North>
